
Enhanced Due Diligence

Businesses (including 25% of the Fortune 100), law firms, and governments needing expert, timely, and cost-effective due-diligence services rely on Kreller for findings that are thorough, timely, and credible. With 30+ years’ experience performing more than 500,000 investigations, Kreller knows how to align resources, effort, and cost to the potential third-party risks involved.

Enhanced Due Diligence

Contact a Kreller Enhanced Due Diligence Expert Today.

Low-Risk Due Diligence

Comprehensive government sanctions, watchlist, and open-source intelligence

Low Risk Due Diligence

In low-risk scenarios, Kreller will perform checks against government sanctions and watch lists (e.g., OFAC, FCPA, BIS, DPL, and politically exposed persons/entities) as well as review domestic and foreign press sources in both English and local languages.

When risk is elevated, the addition of open-source intelligence, public databases, and other sources to report on such things a criminal activity, litigation history, business affiliations, and political exposure, are employed.

Whether utilizing OSINT or deploying HUMINT resources to perform investigations, Kreller’s risk-based due diligence is always led by trained investigators. Not software.

Databases routinely contain out -of-date information and other errors. To combat these inaccuracies, Kreller has developed proprietary search methods, country-specific search techniques, and quality control procedures to ensure accuracy.

The Kreller Difference

Automated (AI) Open-Source Database Firms

Kreller Group

Licensed private investigative firm


Dedicated consultants


Information analyzed by investigators


Customizable research


Direct site and source verification capabilities


In-country investigators


High Risk Due Diligence

In high-risk situations, open-source due diligence (OSINT) is not enough to properly vet third parties and intermediaries. This is especially true in jurisdictions where publicly accessible databases are unreliable or don’t exist at all. In these cases, effective due diligence requires in-country human intelligence (HUMINT) capable of providing the vital information you need.

Kreller is a licensed private investigative agency with offices in the U.S. and official representation around the globe:


HUMINT investigations and due diligence

Kreller routinely assists multinationals across a wide range of industries perform by performing due diligence and HUMINT investigations to uncover issues such as ultimate beneficial ownership identification, criminal activity, involvement in corruption schemes, to name a few.

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Boots on the ground worldwide

With deep understanding of the local business environment, bureaucracies, culture, and laws across 230+ countries and territories, Kreller has the resources, experience, and expertise necessary to acquire the vital information you need in a timely and cost-effective manner.

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Want To Learn More?

Let’s schedule a call and discuss what Kreller can do for your High Risk Due Diligence.

Kreller Online (KOL)

Innovative. Intuitive. Revolutionary

Understanding that every organization has a unique risk tolerance and continually evolving requirements, The Kreller Group developed Kreller Online (KOL) to meet the evolving challenges of compliance: A customizable web-based due diligence platform for the onboarding and monitoring of third-party risk. KOL clients include some of the world’s largest and most recognizable brands.

As the assessment and continued monitoring of third-party risk becomes more complex – particularly for large multinationals who may have relationships with thousands of entities across the globe – automated workflow has become an increasingly valuable part of the compliance process.

The KOL suite of tools is designed to help minimize complexity and maximize the value of third-party due diligence investigations across internal and external stakeholders.

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Intuitive and easy to use

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Multi-lingual support ( system and content)

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Customizable questionnaires and checklists

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Customizable dashboards and reporting

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Configurable workflows, automated routing, and push notifications

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Client-defined risk-scoring and follow-on due diligence actions

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Comprehensive Audit logging

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Robust API set for integration with client’s internal and external systems

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Integrated DPL & Adverse Media functions screen and monitor individuals and entities against hundreds of global sanction lists and 10,000+ individual public sources

Receive Application

Sales receives an application from a new potential third-party distributor


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Kick-Off Workflow

Compliance receives request to add the distributor and initiates KOL Workflow


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Questionnaire Completion

Third-party receives a questionnaire via email via KOL, completes, and submits


Credit Reporting

Kreller Credit performs accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive international credit reporting.

Accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive international credit reporting.

Our credit reports – generated at the time the order is placed without delay – are facilitated by locally placed resources covering more than 230 countries and territories.

Accurate and Up-to-date

Kreller does not compile and resell canned data from standard online sources. Simply put, international credit information fluctuates too rapidly to rely on outdated database information which can compromise your financial well-being.

Real-time Reporting

Your organization benefits from receiving cutting-edge reporting in real-time with the latest, most accurate intel available (including site visits). Kreller ensures your credit transactions are authentic and your supply chain risks are mitigated in the most timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

Always Promising Results

There is no such thing as a “no hit” result either. Our team can easily discern whether a subject company is a myth, scam, or simply a small or obscure business overlooked by international databases.





Countries Served


Years in Business