An Employee Spotlight Interview with Greg Massa, Global Director for Partner Engagement at Kreller

Posted By:
Kreller Group
June 10, 2024

In this Kreller Group blog, we shine a light on Greg Massa, our esteemed Global Director for Partner Engagement. Greg, a seasoned professional with a remarkable background, offers insightful perspectives on the dynamic world of corporate investigations. Let's delve into the interview:

Kreller Group: Greg, what initially drew you to the field of corporate investigations?

Greg Massa: My fascination with investigations began in high school, fueled by the book "Donnie Brasco," which later became a movie. That sparked my desire to become an FBI agent, a role I have proudly held for 25 years. My journey exposed me to diverse cultures worldwide, and I was drawn to upholding the rule of law with unwavering ethical principles. Transitioning to Kreller Group almost two years ago felt like a natural progression. My experience translated well, but witnessing the unique challenges faced by private entities was an eye-opening experience.

Kreller Group: In your experience, what are the biggest challenges companies face when conducting internal investigations?

Greg Massa: Leadership commitment is paramount. The biggest hurdle is for leaders to truly embrace and enforce business ethics policies. It's easy to have standards in place; adhering to them is a different story. Leaders at all levels need to prioritize ethics, actively monitor internal practices, and strive for continuous improvement.

Kreller Group: Can you share a specific example (without compromising confidentiality) of how a complex investigation you participated in helped a company?

Greg Massa: My goal, both at Kreller and during my FBI tenure, is to conduct independent, fair, and unbiased workplace investigations, recommending corrective actions based on the organization's ethics reporting process. Many investigations are reactive, but proactive work is especially rewarding. For instance, a client approached us after uncovering significant internal fraud. We conducted a thorough investigation, culminating in findings and recommendations, including a fraud risk assessment. This assessment helped us create a "heat map" highlighting vulnerable areas across the organization. We then assisted the client in crafting new policies and procedures, along with recommending training for high-risk employees. Witnessing an organization not only address an internal issue but emerge stronger and more resilient is truly fulfilling.

Kreller Group: The corporate investigations landscape is constantly evolving. What emerging trends do you foresee?

Greg Massa: The future of corporate investigations is undeniably intertwined with technology. We can expect a growing emphasis on digital forensics and cybersecurity as investigations delve deeper into the digital realm. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics will play a more prominent role in analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential areas of concern. Furthermore, with heightened regulatory scrutiny, companies will likely conduct more proactive investigations to mitigate legal and regulatory risks. Whistleblower protections are also gaining significant attention, necessitating robust mechanisms for reporting misconduct and safeguarding whistleblowers throughout investigations.

Kreller Group: Kreller is known for its global reach. Can you share an experience working on an international investigation and the unique considerations involved?

Greg Massa: Kreller conducts its business with integrity, and I'm proud to be part of its ongoing growth. I've had the privilege of participating in outreach, investigative work, and capacity building initiatives across Europe (Norway, Netherlands, Germany), Southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore), and Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan). Representing Kreller globally has been incredibly rewarding. It allows me to champion the unique value Kreller brings – its exceptional enhanced due diligence and corporate investigative expertise. I've also cherished the relationships I've built while working here. Witnessing firsthand how Kreller representatives interact with clients, how leaders communicate internally, and the level of interaction I can have in that process has been a tremendous learning experience.

Kreller Group: When does a formal investigation become necessary, compared to handling issues internally?

Greg Massa: The decision to initiate a formal investigation hinges on a careful assessment of the specific circumstances. Factors like the severity of the allegations, potential impact on the organization, legal and regulatory considerations, and the effectiveness of internal controls in addressing the issue all play a crucial role. Formal investigations become essential when:

  • The allegations involve serious misconduct, such as fraud, harassment, discrimination, or violations of law or company policy.
  • The issue is complex and requires specialized expertise.
  • The situation has the potential to significantly impact the organization's reputation, financial stability, or legal standing.
  • There are conflicts of interest, bias, or a lack of objectivity.
  • Concerns arise regarding the safety, well-being, or rights of employees, customers, or other stakeholders.

Kreller Group: What advice would you give to someone interested in a career in corporate investigations?

Greg Massa: Get as much experience as you can. Take ownership of every assignment you have. Place your best energies into those things you can control – leveraging your own individual values to make yourself a contributing member to an organization. Building partnerships and working collaboratively with others will not only help you develop your own skills, but it will also help others inside the organization meet shared objectives.

Kreller Group: What do you find most rewarding about working at Kreller?

Greg Massa: Kreller goes about its business the right way. As an established business for over three decades, it's exciting to be a part of Kreller's continued growth. I've conducted outreach, investigative work, and capacity building in Europe [Norway, the Netherlands, Germany], across Southeast Asia [Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore] and Central Asia [Tajikistan, Uzbekistan]. Representing Kreller globally has been rewarding and I continue to champion the unique enhanced due diligence and corporate investigative skills this organization represents. Also, I've really enjoyed the interpersonal relationships I've made while working here. I've learned a ton, especially seeing how Kreller representatives interact with clients, how leaders communicate internally with their teams, and how interactive I can be in that process.

Kreller Group: What unique skills or experiences do you bring to the Kreller team?

Greg Massa: I bring a unique global perspective after decades of managing complexities. Having the courage to do difficult tasks, under difficult circumstances, to the highest standard, fits in very well with the Kreller Group's mantra of doing things the right way. I've testified in federal criminal cases, briefed high ranking officials in the Department of Justice, responded to the World Trade Center on the morning of 9/11, led teams investigating complex criminal and national security investigations, served the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan, and was the senior agent across the Nordics.

Kreller Group: When you're not working on investigations, what are you passionate about?

Greg Massa: My dog, Mojo. We rescued him about 18 months ago, and making sure he is well cared for is far more important than my spouse or the needs of my kids (laughs).

Kreller Group: What's one fun fact most people don't know about you?

Greg Massa: I love music. I have an extensive collection of about 1,500 records and attend as many live concerts as possible. I have 15 on tap this year.

Kreller Group: Looking to the future, what are your professional goals within the field of corporate investigations?

Greg Massa: Continue to learn and listen as much as possible in my role as Global Director for Partner Engagement. I am also positioned within Kreller to help clients incorporate world-class compliance programs.

Kreller Group: What is the most challenging aspect of a complex business investigation and how do you approach overcoming it?

Greg Massa: Adherence to the facts and principles, rather than the noise that surrounds it. Fostering the development and maturation of the investigative process across an enterprise can be challenging, especially if there's a gap or breakdown in the culture of ethical and compliance behavior. Working cross-programmatically with employees in human resources, ethics & compliance, legal, and executive leadership can abate internal and external forces. A particular skill Kreller incorporates into all of our investigative work that drives our engagement with clients is to develop a comprehensive understanding of business needs and how a thorough, collaborative approach can overcome barriers and areas of resistance.

Kreller Group: What are some of the biggest misconceptions about corporate investigations?

Greg Massa: That corporate investigations are only reactive. A great deal of corporate investigative work is reactive as a matter of course – to conduct internal investigations related to policy violations, identify relevant material, analyze data, and provide guidance on corrective action. But the real impact the Kreller Group can have beyond the scope of a singular investigation is to provide subject matter expertise across a multitude of special investigations, which may be more complex in nature and proactive where the performance of an organization can be tested. Relevant investigations can be combined with related activities to provide an overview of risk, where appropriate steps can be taken to mitigate risk and improve the organization's effectiveness.

Kreller Group: How do you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in corporate investigations?

Greg Massa: Remaining in contact with long-standing colleagues whom I respect, but constantly expanding my network has served to develop and motivate me. I've attended formalized conferences where subject matters are presented that provide guidance and insight on new problems and issues. I also read articles on compliance and sanctions each week. However, it's the connections I've made in-person or virtually that provides the best way to share best practices, commiserate, and learn.

Kreller Group: Greg, thank you for sharing your insights with our readers! We look forward to your continued leadership and expertise at Kreller Group.

Greg Massa: The pleasure is all mine. It's been a privilege to be part of the Kreller Group and contribute to our ongoing mission of providing exceptional service to our clients worldwide.

About the Kreller Group

For nearly 30 years, Kreller has relied on “extensive boots-on-the-ground” research, conducted by investigators who are well-versed in worldwide military, law enforcement, business and government matters to deliver the concise information our clients need to make decisions.


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