Zimbabwe’s Amnesty International Branch Suspended

Posted By:
Kreller Group
July 31, 2019

Recently, the local Zimbabwe branch of Amnesty International, a UK-based international non-governmental rights advocacy group, was suspended indefinitely following fraud allegations.

In the past year, Amnesty International has been in the news pertaining to reports of the organization’s “toxic” work environment, abuse of power, and bullying that allegedly contributed to the suicide of two of its employees (in its Paris and Geneva offices).  As a result, Amnesty International’s General-Secretary Kumi Naidoo reportedly ordered a review of the organization’s operations.

The review included a forensic audit conducted in late 2018 that discovered evidence of fraud in the organization’s Zimbabwe branch.  Amnesty International has reportedly suspended its Zimbabwe office, in an act that is described as the first time the organization has used such measures.  Additionally the Country Director has resigned and both the Chair and the Finance Officer of the local Zimbabwe branch have been suspended.    

In addition to the internal review of Amnesty International, results of the audit have been shared with local authorities in Zimbabwe.  Local police are reportedly in the process of investigating the alleged misuse of millions of US dollars from donors for several international civil organizations in Zimbabwe including Amnesty International, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), Election Resource Center (ERC), and Counselling Services Unit (CSU); recently USAid suspended its funding for ZimRights, ERC, and CSU as a result of alleged possible misconduct within the organizations.

Fraud and corruption can happen in any kind of organization, even non-profits and charities. If you are concerned about potential misconduct within your organization, suspect employee fraud, find internal reporting to be dubious, or local management is less than cooperative, Smith Brandon International can help.  We are experienced in business intelligence and can advise you on how to proceed. We can help you conduct a corporate investigation to determine if and where misconduct has occurred and how to ensure better business practices moving forward. Give Smith Brandon International a call today to help prevent or find fraud in your organization.

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For nearly 30 years, Kreller has relied on “extensive boots-on-the-ground” research, conducted by investigators who are well-versed in worldwide military, law enforcement, business and government matters to deliver the concise information our clients need to make decisions.


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